Tuesday 11 March 2025
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Neighborhood Crime Alert

Neighborhood Crime Alert

CRIME: Thefts from unlocked vehicles and open garages.
LOCATION: Chesterfield Township neighborhood bordered by Lakewood, Jerome, Secluded Ct., and Helmandale.

During the Holiday weekend, from Thursday evening (5-26-16) through Sunday morning (5-29-16), several Chesterfield Township residents fell victim to nighttime thieves who targeted parked unlocked vehicles, and open garages. There was a total of (13) separate incidents reported over the weekend. Among the items reported stolen were phones, I-pads, cash, jewelry, and power tools. A residents security cameras outside of their home did capture one of the suspects and she is described as a white female in her twenties with shoulder length light brown or blonde hair. Investigators have yet to identify her.

Anyone with information regarding these thefts is urged to call the Chesterfield Township Police Department at 586-949-2322. We would also like to remind the residents and guests of Chesterfield Township to remove any valuables from your vehicles when unattended and make sure the vehicle is locked up. At night simply lighting up the exterior of your home and double checking to make sure your garage and shed doors are shut and locked will greatly reduce the chances of you becoming a victim to such crimes of opportunity.

