Tuesday 18 February 2025
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Records Department

Located in the Main Lobby of the Police Department

Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 4:30pm (CLOSED Saturday, Sunday and Holidays)

Call us at 586-949-2112

Email us at

Records provides clerical functions in support of the Police Department and staffs the front lobby during business hours.

Come to the Records Department for:

  • FOIA or Records Requests
  • Firearm Purchase Permits
  • Gun Registration
  • Sex Offender Registration
  • Fingerprints – Court ordered or paper fingerprint cards (Note: we do NOT offer Livescan)
    • Fingerprint cards are $5 per card
    • Fingerprint cards done for Chesterfield residents ONLY
  • Cost Recovery Payments
  • General Assistance

Click here ( to obtain a copy of your accident report / UD10, available 24/7 (Note: When searching for an accident on LexisNexis, you should use numbers only, do NOT use spaces or dashes)

Freedom Of Information Act Requests

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is the law that provides access to public records, except for those records protected from disclosure under the Act.

Requests must be in writing. You must describe the records clearly enough for the Records Staff to locate the records. Please include your full name, date of birth, current address, a phone number and an email address so we may contact you to clarify a request if necessary. No specific form is required; however, a link to our FOIA Request Form is provided at the bottom of this page.

You may mail, email, fax or deliver your written request as shown below:

Chesterfield Police Department Records
46525 Continental Drive
Chesterfield, MI 48047

Phone: 586-949-2112
Fax: 586-598-2536

Records has 5 business days after receiving the request to respond. If necessary, Records may issue an extension notice, which allows 10 additional business days to search for the requested information.

Records may charge a fee for providing the records. Charges include the hourly wage, or a portion thereof, of the lowest paid employee capable of performing the search, the costs of copying, and retrieval of on-site and off-site records. If research and copying costs are estimated to exceed $50, a good faith deposit of no more than 50% of the final cost may be required.


Firearm Purchase Permits

Permits are now required for all firearm purchases (see table below). Does not apply to CPL, FFL or MCOLES holders.

  • Applications accepted in person only Monday-Friday 9am-3:30pm
  • Same-day processing is NOT guaranteed
  • Plan on the process taking between 30 minutes to 1 hour
  • There is a $5 Notary Fee due at the time of processing
    • We accept cash, check or credit card
    • Small processing fee for credit card