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Chesterfield Junior Public Safety Academy June 20th-30th 2022

Chesterfield Junior Public Safety Academy June 20th-30th 2022

The Chesterfield Public Safety Department is going to be hosting a Junior Public Safety Academy!  The academy will be held June 20th-30th 2022 from 9:00am – 3:00pm and is offered at no cost to incoming 6th-8th grade students for the 2022/2023 school year.

Interested participants must complete and turn in:

  • Junior Public Safety Academy application
  • A letter of recommendation signed and sealed by a teacher in his or her school.
  • Letter of interest from participant, containing one paragraph explaining why he/she wants to attend and why he/she should be selected.

Applications are due May 27, 2022 – Selected applicants will be notified, and an orientation will be held prior to the start of the academy.   The date will be communicated once applicants are selected.

What is the Junior Public Safety Academy?
The Junior Public Safety Academy is designed to provide young local citizens of Chesterfield Township with a hands on learning experience in the public safety profession. Students will attend classroom sessions with lectures, role-plays and demonstrations by law enforcement officers, firefighters and other first responders in the community.

What To Expect
The Junior Public Safety Academy will be hands on with equipment that is used every day in the field. The academy will cover different aspects of public safety including leadership skills, conflict resolution and topics listed below but not limited to:

  • SWAT
  • Defensive tactics/handcuffing
  • Mock Traffic stops/traffic laws
  • Fire Safety
  • Crime scene investigation
  • First Aid/ CPR certification

How Long Is The Academy?
The Academy class will meet Mon- Fri, starting June 20th-24th, and Mon- Thurs June 27th-30th. Two classes will be conducted concurrently. One class will take place at the Chesterfield Township Police Department (46525 Continental Dr) and the second class will be held at the Chesterfield Township Fire Department (33991 23 Mile Rd), except for occasional offsite classes.

The evening of June 30th will consist of a graduation ceremony, which is open for family members to attend.
Goals of the Junior Public Safety Academy

  1. To increase understanding of Law Enforcement through education and interaction with the police department.
  2. Provide positive interaction with department staff and to educate youth about the challenges and responsibility of public safety.
  3. Build lasting and productive partnerships between the Chesterfield Township Public Safety Department and the youths in our community.

How To Apply for the Junior Public Safety Academy
You may click here to download a copy of the application form for the Chesterfield Township Junior Public Safety Academy.

If you would like to download a brochure with information about the Junior Public Safety Academy, click here to download.

The Chesterfield Township Junior Public Safety Academy is sponsored by the ‘Friends of Chesterfield Police’ organization.

Students will be provided with a Junior Public Safety Academy uniform (t-shirt and shorts).

