Wednesday 12 March 2025
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Vehicle Pursuit Ends In Lake St. Clair

Vehicle Pursuit Ends In Lake St. Clair

Sunday Nov 3, 2019 at 11:32pm Chesterfield Twp Police Dept received a 911 call from the parents of a 16 year old Chesterfield Twp resident. The parents reported that their son had stolen their 2018 GMC Terrain and was making threats that he was going to kill himself. Chesterfield Twp officers quickly located the male driving on 23 Mile Rd in the area of Nicolette Dr. A high speed pursuit started westbound on 23 Mile and continued to the area of North Ave and 27 Mile in Lenox Twp, where the pursuit was terminated due to the suicidal male driving recklessly and at high speeds placing innocent motorists in danger. The troubled male returned to Chesterfield Twp minutes later and was again pursued by Chesterfield Twp Officers eastbound on 21 Mile from I-94. The 16 year old fled from officers and drove off the end of 21 Mile at high speed in the area of Jefferson Ave and Farwell Rd into Lake St. Clair. A Chesterfield Twp Police Officer immediately jumped into the lake attempting to save the young driver. The officer was eventually assisted by back up officers and Chesterfield Twp Fire Fighters wearing emergency water rescue gear. The GMC slowly sank while the 16 year old resisted being saved. He was taken into custody and transported to an area hospital for care. The GMC was removed from the lake by Ballors Towing. The case is currently being investigated by the Chesterfield Twp Police Detective Bureau.

