Thursday 6 March 2025
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CVS Larceny Suspects

CVS Larceny Suspects

On 12/25/2017, 19:15 hrs.,  two suspects entered the CVS drug store at the N/W corner of 21 Mile Rd. / Gratiot Rd and returned a bag of returnables.  The suspects then left the store and returned a few minutes later and entered the employee locker room area of the store. While in the employee locker room,   suspect #1 (green jacket)   stole a purse that belonged to an employee, concealing the purse underneath his jacket.  Both suspects then left the store in an unknown direction (No vehicle info.)


  • W/M, mid 30’s, 6’00”, 180 lbs., green jacket, dark colored knit cap, clean shaven.
  • W/M, 6’00”, 180 lbs., blk. hoodie with blue/white/silver logo, flannel shirt underneath hoodie, blk. knit cap.


